Fernando Rabanal
Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis and they are essential for cellular growth. Perhaps due to their essential role in the central dogma of molecular biology, ribosomes have generally been regarded as immutable homogeneous machines. Nevertheless, in eukaryotic genomes, multiple functional paralogous genes exist for each of the ~80 ribosomal proteins, indicating that diversification might be more widespread than thought. By analyzing long-read based A. thaliana genome assemblies, I investigate the extent of intraspecies ribosome heterogeneity and its functional implications.
Research lines
- Ribosome heterogeneity
- Evolution of regulation of ribosomal RNA genes
- Population genomics of herbicide resistance
Short vita
Selected publications
Journal articles
Rabanal FA*†, Gräff M*, Lanz C, Fritschi K, Llaca V, Lang M, Carbonell-Bejerano P, Henderson I, Weigel D†. (2022) Pushing the limits of HiFi assemblies reveals centromere diversity between two Arabidopsis thaliana genomes. bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.or /10.1101/2022. 02.15.480579 (*Contributed equally, †Co corresponding authors)
Epistatic and allelic interactions control expression of ribosomal RNA gene clusters in Arabidopsis thaliana Rabanal FA†, Mandáková T, Soto- Jiménez LM, Greenhalgh R, Parrott DL, Lutzmayer S, Steffen JG, Nizhynska V, Mott R, Lysak MA, Clark RM, Nordborg M†. Genome Biology (2017), 18(1):75
(†Co-corresponding authors)
Massive genomic variation and strong selection in Arabidopsis thaliana lines from Sweden Long Q*, Rabanal FA*, Meng D*, Huber CD*, Farlow A, Platzer A, Zhang Q, Vilhjálmsson BJ, Korte A, Nizhynska V, Vronin V, Korte P, Sedman L, Mandáková T, Lysak MA, Seren Ü, Hellmann I, Nordborg M. Nature Genetics (2013), 45 (8): 884-90
(*Contributed equally)