Shanshan Wang

My project in the Weigel lab is to employ single-cell RNA sequencing to dissect the transcriptome during plant immunity at single cell level using the well established ArabidopsisPseudomonas syringae system.

Research lines

  • Plant immunity
  • Single cell sequencing

Short vita

  • 2021 to present

    Postdoc/ Max Planck Institute for Biology

  • 2018 to 2021

    Postdoc/ The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK

  • 2017 to 2018

    Research Assistant/ Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

  • 2012-2017

    PhD student/ Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    Milestone Content goes here

  • 2008-2012

    BSc/ Huazhong Agricultural University

    Milestone Content goes here

Selected publications

Wang, S.#, Huang W.#, Duxbury Z., Hogenhout S.A., and Jones, J.D.G. (2021) Novel effector recognition capacity engineered into a paired NLR complex. bioRxiv2021.09.06.459143

Duxbury, Z.#, Wang, S.#, MacKenzie, C.I., Tenthorey, J.L., Zhang, X., Huh, S.U., Hu, L., Hill, L., Ngou, P.M., Ding, P., et al. (2020). Induced proximity of a TIR signaling domain on a plant-mammalian NLR chimera activates defense in plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117, 18832-

Wang, S.#, Xie, K.#, Xu, G.#, Zhou, H., Guo, Q., Wu, J., Liao, Z., Liu, N., Wang, Y., and Liu, Y. (2018). Plant G proteins interact with endoplasmic reticulum luminal protein receptors to regulate endoplasmic reticulum retrieval. J Integr Plant Biol 60, 541-561.