Haim Ashkenazy

Exposure to bacterial pathogens and symbionts plays a major role in shaping plant genomes through the course of evolution. My research focuses on identifying genomic signatures of plant-bacterial interactions in order to discover and understand plant adaptations to biotic stress. As a bioinformatician, I address these questions by developing computational methods, which take advantage of rich sequence data, such as population-level genomics. Specifically, I employ a comparative-genomics approach, which frames the analysis of sequence information in the context of the underlying evolutionary  process.   Homepage: http://haimashkenazy.wixsite.com/home

Research lines

  • Plant evolutionary genomics
  • Evolutionary dynamics of gene content in bacterial and plant genomes
  • Co-evolution of plant-microbe interactions
  • Comparative genomics and phylogenomics

Short vita

  • 2018 to present

    Postoc/ Max Planck Institute for Biology

  • 2016 to 2018

    Postdoc/ Tel Aviv University, Israel

  • 2010 to 2015

    PhD in Bioinformatics/ Tel Aviv University, Israel

  • 2006 to 2009

    M.Sc. in Computational Biology / Bar llan University, Israel

  • 2003 to 2005

    B.Sc in Computational Biology / Bar llan University, Israel

Selected publications

Multiple sequence alignment averaging improves phylogeny reconstruction Ashkenazy, H., Sela, I., Levy Karin, E., Landan, G., Pupko, T. Systematic Biology (2018).

ConSurf 2016: an improved methodology to estimate and visualize evolutionary conservation in macromolecules Ashkenazy, H. Abadi, S., Martz, E., Chay, O., Mayrose, I., Pupko, T., Ben-Tal, N. Nucleic Acids Res (2016), 44: W34

GUIDANCE2: accurate detection of unreliable alignment regions accounting for the uncertainty of multiple parameters Sela, I.*, Ashkenazy, H.*, Katoh, K., Pupko, T. Nucleic Acids Res, (2015), 43: W7-14 (* Equal contribution).

Indel reliability in indel-based phlyogenetic inference Ashkenazy, H., Cohen, O., Pupko, T., Huchon, D. Genome Biol Evol, (2014), 6(12) : 3199-3209.