Sebastian Vorbrugg

Due to local adaptation and population structure, genomes of different individuals can vary to a great extent. To represent this variation, we utilize the concept of variation graphs, which provide a powerful toolkit. I am working to combine these genome graphs with genome-wide-association (GWA) approaches to connect complex genomic variation with organism traits. Beginning with multiple whole-genome assemblies, I will first tackle the problem of graph construction, providing an accurate representation of genomic variation and the basis of the analysis.

Research lines

  • Application of genome graphs

Short vita

  • 2019 to present

    Doctoral Researcher / Max Planck Institute for Biology

  • 2015 to 2019

    MSc in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics / University of Tübingen

  • 2012 to 2015

    BSc Biochemistry / University of Ulm

Selected publications