• Weigelworld

    Plant biology, developmental genetics and evolutionary genomics

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PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Adrián Contreras!

Congratulations, Dr. Adrián Contreras!
PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Benjamin Buchfink!

Benjamin Buchfink defended his thesis today. Congratulations!
Max PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Maximilian Collenberg!

Max successfully defended his thesis today.

Out in NAR: Pushing the limits of HiFi assemblies (OA)

In-depth comparison of PacBio CLR and HiFi assemblies

Congratulations, Dr. Alejandra Duque!

Alejandra successfully defended her thesis

Now in Quant. Plant Biol.: New tool for DNA methlyation analysis

Methylscore to ID differentially methylated regions

Former postdoc Jiawei Wang wins Xplorer Prize

..which comes with a personal cash award of 3M RMB (~430,000€)

Detlef spoke at Kinderuni

Covered in our local newspaper Tübingen Children's University Max…
New round of the Lise Meitner Excellence Program for tenure track group leaders in @maxplanck.de institutes opened today -- please consider applying! The program aims to recruit and promote exceptionally qualified female scientists. Because diversity increases excellence!https://www.mpg.de/lise-meitner-excellence-program
Leaf development needs microbiome studies -- nice paper from the Devlin lab on how phytochrome deficiency or changes in light quality affect spontaneous colonization of the phyllosphere by microbes#plantsciencehttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40793-025-00679-5
At @maxplanck.de, we continue to seek and enhance diversity, because diversity and excellence go hand in hand!
In our latest @biorxiv-genomic.bsky.social preprint, we describe our approach to use PacBio HiFi reads to detect somatic TE transposition -- good enough to detect rare events that are present in only single cells. Led by Andrea Movilli.#plantsciencehttps://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.02.07.637047v1
We’re in dark times, but at least it’s sunny for my Saturday walk to Bebenhausen


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