Farewell to Stefan

After a long time in Weigelworld, we say „Goodbye“ to Stefan and wish him all the luck in the world and lots of success in his new occupation!Read the rest

In Plant Journal: 20Gbp white spruce genomes

Improved white spruce (Picea glauca) genome assemblies and annotation of large gene families of conifer defense metabolism

Warren, R. L., Keeling, C. I., Yuen, M. M. S., Raymond, A., Taylor, G. A., Vandervalk, B. P., Paulino, D., Robertson, G., Yang, Read the rest

Weigelworld Soccer Talent

Team spirit inside and outside the lab – two teams participated in the Campus Soccer Tournament and one of them did not finish in last place!

Team S.W.A.T (Scientists with(out) athletic talent)


Team 6Flats

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Farewell to Verena

After a very successful time in Weigelworld – first as a diploma, then as a PhD student, Verena is moving on to a new adventure.

She will continue some of her work on guppy color patterns as a Postdoc in … Read the rest