Population genomics review in ARGG

Population genomics for understanding adaptation in wild plant species

Weigel, D., and Nordborg, M.

Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is the foundation of modern biology. However, it has proven remarkably difficult to demonstrate at the genetic, genomic, and … Read the rest

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Award

Collaborative project on disease resistance gene diversity funded

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation awarded $2.3M to the Two Blades Foundation (2Blades), a charitable organization that supports the development of durable disease resistance in crop plants and their deployment in … Read the rest

Farewell to Chang and Silvio

We’re saying goodbye to Chang and Silvio and wish them all the best for their personal and scientific future!

Chang moved over to the other side of the hill, and just started his own group at the Center for Plant Read the rest

Congratulations, Dr. Subhashini Muralidharan!

Subu successfully defended per PhD thesis today!

Its title: ‘Causes and Consequences of Hybrid Incompatibilities in Arabidopsis thaliana’

Congratulations, Subu!


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Mendel Medal of the Leopoldina

The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina bestows the Mendel Medal upon Detlef Weigel

The Leopoldina honors his outstanding achievements in the fields of developmental and evolutionary genetics. Weigel has received the Mendel Medal on September 18, 2015, at the … Read the rest

New Review on 3D Chromatin Packing

Chromatin in 3D: progress and prospects for plants

Liu, C. and Weigel, D. 

Methods that use high-throughput sequencing have begun to reveal features of the three-dimensional structure of genomes at a resolution that goes far beyond that of traditional … Read the rest

Farewell to Noemi and Andrés

We’re saying goodbye to Noemi and wish her all the best for the second part of her PhD in Umeå, Sweden!

Andrés will go back to Argentina after a 3-months visit in the department – lots of luck!

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Current Opinion Review on Splicing and Temperature Signaling

Temperature dependent alternative splicing and its role in flowering time regulation

Capovilla, G., Pajoro, A., Immink, R.G., Schmid, M.

Developmental plasticity enables plants to respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions, such as temperature fluctuations. Understanding how plants measure temperature and

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Farewell to Stefan

After a long time in Weigelworld, we say „Goodbye“ to Stefan and wish him all the luck in the world and lots of success in his new occupation!Read the rest

In Plant Journal: 20Gbp white spruce genomes

Improved white spruce (Picea glauca) genome assemblies and annotation of large gene families of conifer defense metabolism

Warren, R. L., Keeling, C. I., Yuen, M. M. S., Raymond, A., Taylor, G. A., Vandervalk, B. P., Paulino, D., Robertson, G., Yang, Read the rest