Arabidopsis, Alter! – Leaf sampling completed

We harvested thousands of leaf samples from a large subset of the 1001G genotypes grown in challenging conditions in Madrid and Tübingen.

Winds and snow threatened the success of the experiment, but we verified how tough both Arabidopsis and researchers … Read the rest

Join us as a Computational Biologist/ (Bio)Informatician

We are looking for motivated team players (PhD student or Postdoctoral level) to join our efforts in generating multi-reference plant and meta-genomes.

More information and the full ad is here.… Read the rest

Heavy winds challenge field experiment

A stormy night in Tübingen blew away the cover of our foil tunnel harboring hundreds of Arabidopsis accessions undergoing a fitness experiment.

Thanks to all who helped repairing it so quickly!
Special thanks to all the members from Oliver Bossdorf’s Read the rest

Genetics Society of America awards Detlef the 2016 GSA Medal

Detlef has been awarded the GSA Medal for his outstanding contributions to the field of genetics in the last 15 years.

The society honors both seminar contributions to the understanding of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana and the development of multiple … Read the rest