2019 Campus soccer tournament

Amazing: this year’s soccer team made it all the way to the semifinals!

Congratulations, everyone!

Our 9-players team and tournament impressions:

 … Read the rest

Confirmatory Results: Regulation of TCP genes by miR319

Update on a Developmental Cell paper with duplicated image

We have found issues with our article ‘Sequence and Expression Differences Underlie Functional Specialization of Arabidopsis MicroRNAs miR159 and miR319’, published in Developmental Cell in July 2007.

1. Even … Read the rest

Climate change impact on the Arabidopsis genome

Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates

Moises Exposito-Alonso, 500 Genomes Field Experiment Team, Hernán A. Burbano, Oliver Bossdorf, Rasmus Nielsen & Detlef Weigel
Nature, published online August 28, 2019

Through the lens of evolution, … Read the rest

Resource: Species-wide inventory of NLR genes & alleles

A Species-Wide Inventory of NLR Genes and Alleles in Arabidopsis thaliana

Van de Weyer et al. Cell 178, 1260-1272

Infectious disease is both a major force of selection in nature and a prime cause of yield loss in agriculture. In … Read the rest