Last paper of 2021 in ISME J: Protective Pseudomonas

Commensal Pseudomonas protect Arabidopsis thaliana from a coexisting pathogen via multiple lineage-dependent mechanisms

Or Shalev et al., ISME J, published December 11, 2021

Plants are protected from pathogens not only by their own immunity but often also by colonizing commensal … Read the rest

A Celebration of Plant Science 2021

International symposium on occasion of Detlef’s 60th birthday

Current and former members of the Weigel Lab present the “Celebration of Plant Science 2021“, a free International Online Symposium with exceptional line up of speakers, on Dec 16, 2021. More information … Read the rest

Derek named a Wallenberg Academy Fellow!

Derek wins Wallenberg Academy Fellowship for his new lab at SLU

Wallenberg Academy Fellows, the career program for young researchers launched by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in 2012, provides long-term funding for young, promising Swedish and foreign researchers … Read the rest