Living Systems II

October 15-16
MPH Lecture Hall

Program and registration for the symposium Living Systems II is here.… Read the rest

Plant Genomes in a Changing Environment

October 16-18
Hinxton, UK

No genome required – Yoav presenting his work on finding genetic variants in plants without complete genome information.… Read the rest

Plant Genomes in a Changing Environment

October 16-18
Hinxton, UK

Talia speaking about “From the Microbiome to the Gene: Mapping the genes in a leaf microbiome responsible for strain-speific pathogeneticity”.… Read the rest

Öffentliches Symposium des MWK Stuttgart: “Neue Pflanzen – neue Regeln? Brauchen wir ein neues Gentechnikrecht?”

Nov 4, 3 pm  im Haus der Architekten, Stuttgart

Detlef speaking (in German) about “Spektrum natürlicher und durch Genome Editing induzierter Mutationen”… Read the rest

2019 PacBio User Group Meeting

November 14, 3 pm
Milan, Italy

Fernando speaking about “Haplotype diversity at herbicide resistance loci in European blackgrass population”.… Read the rest