• Weigelworld

    Plant biology, developmental genetics and evolutionary genomics

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PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Adrián Contreras!

Congratulations, Dr. Adrián Contreras!
PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Benjamin Buchfink!

Benjamin Buchfink defended his thesis today. Congratulations!
Max PhD defense

Congratulations, Dr. Maximilian Collenberg!

Max successfully defended his thesis today.

Out in NAR: Pushing the limits of HiFi assemblies (OA)

In-depth comparison of PacBio CLR and HiFi assemblies

Congratulations, Dr. Alejandra Duque!

Alejandra successfully defended her thesis

Now in Quant. Plant Biol.: New tool for DNA methlyation analysis

Methylscore to ID differentially methylated regions

Former postdoc Jiawei Wang wins Xplorer Prize

..which comes with a personal cash award of 3M RMB (~430,000€)

Detlef spoke at Kinderuni

Covered in our local newspaper Tübingen Children's University Max…
Fantastic new study from a collaboration of two former WeigelWorld postdocs: A phage tail–like bacteriocin suppresses competitors in metapopulations of pathogenic bacteriahttps://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado0713
I find it interesting that all those who are normally very vocal about the #WissZwitVG have nothing to say about this. Where are the comments to this statement?[contains quote post or other embedded content]
Max Planck postdocs strongly oppose proposed #WissZeitVG amendment. Political pressure driven by social scientists who claim to speak for all postdocs but who ignore the needs of natural scientists.#ichbinhanna @amreibahr.bsky.social @drkeichhorn.bsky.socialhttps://www.postdocnet.mpg.de/joint-statement-wisszeitvg-2024
Please repost! Best #plantscience job ever—My colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne are seeking a new Director! Max Planck is particularly keen to recruit colleagues at the early Associate Professor level!#plantscijobswww.mpipz.mpg.de/director
New paper alert: Towards an unbiased characterization of genetic polymorphism, from Weigel & Nordborg labs w/ help from many friends. TL;DR: Complete genomes pose tremendous analytical challenges, but reveal many fascinating facets of genome evolution. #plantsciencehttps://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.30.596703v1
Phenomenal work from Jia-Wei Wang’s lab provides a comprehensive view of the mechanisms underlying different degrees of perenniality in different Brassicaceae #plantsciencehttps://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(24)00473-2


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