PhD studentship applications open!

International Max Planck Planck Research School (IMPRS) “From Molecules to Organisms”

Deadline for next IMPRS round: February 29, 2020

Talented junior scientists are offered the opportunity to earn a doctorate under excellent research conditions in Tübingen.  Fully-funded projects are offered … Read the rest

Commentary on Earth Biogenome project

The Earth BioGenome project: Opportunities and Challenges for Plant Genomics and Conservation

Moises Exposito Alonso, Hajk Georg Drost, Hernán A. Burbano & Detlef Weigel
Plant Journal | 01 December 2019

Sequencing them all. That is the ambitious goal of … Read the rest

AraPheno and AraGWAS updates

AraPheno and the AraGWAS Catalog 2020: a major database update including RNA-Seq and knockout mutation data for Arabidopsis thaliana

Matteo Togninalli, Ümit Seren, Jan A Freudenthal, J Grey Monroe, Dazhe Meng, Magnus Nordborg, Detlef Weigel, Karsten Borgwardt, Arthur Korte, Dominik … Read the rest