Detlef elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Other new members this year include Michelle Obama & gender theorist Judith Butler

Detlef has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This year, more than 200 individuals with compelling achievements in academia, business, government, and public … Read the rest

HFSP fellowships to two recent PhD graduates

Patricia Lang and Giovanna Capovilla both won HFSP support!

Congratulations to Patricia Lang, who will work on “Evolutionary genetics of stomata-related climate change-adaptation through space and time”, and Giovanna Capovilla, who will work on “Prochlorococcus cyanophage: lysogenic potential … Read the rest

Congratulations, Dr. Karelina & Dr. Van de Weyer!

A first: Two PhD defenses on one day!

Both Anna-Lena and Darya investigated the amazing diversity of NLR genes in Arabidopsis thaliana:

Anan-Lena’s PhD thesis is entitled “The pan-NLR’ome of Arabidopsis thalianaGenome-Wide Analysis of Nucleotide-Binding Domain Leucine-Rich Repeat (NLR) Variation … Read the rest