In Genetics: over 1,000 spontaneous mutations

Fine-Grained Analysis of Spontaneous Mutation Spectrum and Frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana

Mao-Lun Weng, Claude Becker, Julia Hildebrandt, Matthew T. Rutter, Ruth G. Shaw, Detlef Weigel and Charles B. Fenster

Mutations are the ultimate source of all genetic variation.

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On bioRxiv: Balancing selection in Capsella

Long-term balancing selection drives evolution of immunity genes in Capsella

Daniel Koenig et al. bioRxiv

Genetic drift is expected to remove polymorphism from populations over long periods of time, with the rate of polymorphism loss being accelerated when species … Read the rest

Appeal to Federal Ministries of Research and Ag

German plant scientists: gene technology law is outdated

Leading German plant scientists agree that the gene technology law, which has been interpreted by the European Court of Justice to include genome edited organisms, is outdated and must be changed. They … Read the rest