Gentechnik im grünen Bereich?

Video from debate with Renate Künast

Debate about genome editing and gene technology on October 29, 2018, at DAI Heidelberg.

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It’s a (Wo)Man’s World?

Detlef speaking at event on #WomenInSTEM

Public discussion on chances and opportunities for women in STEM professions. With Prof. Katharina Foerster, Dr. Brigit Buschmann, Prof. Corinna Salander and Detlef

November 28, 7 pm, Frauenprojektehaus Tübingen

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Successful 2-day microbiome retreat

Intense brainstorming with Vorholt and Kemen labs

On November 6 and 7, we spent two days at Kloster Kirchberg to discuss the past, present and future of plant microbiome studies with the labs of Julia Vorholt at ETH and Eric Read the rest