Now out in PNAS: Epigenetics during clonal reproduction

Partial maintenance of organ-specific epigenetic marks during plant asexual reproduction leads to heritable phenotypic variation

OA | Phenotypic variation after clonal propagation due to altered epigenetics

Wibowo, Becker et al.

PNAS, published online September 10, 2018

While clonally propagated individuals … Read the rest

Are gene technology and organic farming compatible?

Deutschlandfunk radio: Detlef debates Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein, Chairman of the Board of the Organisation of Organic Farmers (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft BÖLW). You can listen to the debate here.

(Or download the .mp file here.)

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Rui’s CRISPR/Cas9 vectors in Plant Methods

An efficient CRISPR vector toolbox for engineering large deletions in Arabidopsis thaliana

OA | CRISPR vector toolbox for deletions – plasmids in Addgene

Rui Wu et al Plant Methods 14:65

Vectors available at Addgene

Our knowledge of natural genetic variation … Read the rest