Pangenome analysis tool for Pseudomonas online

panX website for 1,524 Pseudomonas genomes

panX is a software package for comprehensive pan-genome analysis, web-based interactive visualization and dynamic exploration, developed by Wei Ding and Richard Neher.

We have recently assembled the genomes of 1,524 Pseudomonas genomes collected from … Read the rest

Detlef presentation GRC

Presentation on figshare

Detlef’s presentation at the recent Gordon Research Conference on Plant Molecular Biology – Plant Dynamic Systems, focusing on aspects of epigenetic and genetic adaptation to the abiotic environment and advertising our new Pathodopsis project.

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Spiegel Online interview with Detlef

Why Detlef is not afraid of genetically modified plants (in German).

And why it is at the same time nonsense that we will all die of hunger without GMO or genome editing.

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