Live fast/die young or live slow/die old?

Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana

Are there biological constants unifying phenotypic diversity across scales? Metabolic scaling theory (MST) predicts mathematical regularity and constancy in the allometric scaling

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Regional GWAS of flowering adaptation

Genome-wide signatures of flowering adaptation to climate temperature: regional analyses in a highly diverse native range of Arabidopsis thaliana

Collaborative work with Carlos Alonso-Blanco and Xavi Picó

Tabas-Madrid et al.: Plant Cell Environ. published online Mar 8.

Current global

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On bioRxiv: Incomplete epigenetic reprogramming during asexual reproduction

Incomplete reprogramming of cell-specific epigenetic marks during asexual reproduction leads to heritable phenotypic variation in plants

Wibowo et al. bioRxiv 2018/02/19/267955

Plants differ from animals in their capability to easily regenerate fertile adult individuals from terminally differentiated cells. This unique … Read the rest