bioRxiv: Drought selects on plants and also their microbiomes

Drought selection on Arabidopsis populations and their microbiomes

Talia L. Karasov (2022) bioRxiv 487684

Microbes affect plant health, stress tolerance1 and life history2. In different regions of the globe, plants are colonized by distinct pathogenic and commensal microbiomes, but … Read the rest

Prestigious HFSP Long-Term Fellowship for Gal Ofir

Gal Ofir is joining us from the lab of Rotem Sorek at the Weizmann Institute, where he has helped to discover and characterize new immunity systems that bacteria use to defend themselves against phages. Check out Gal’s impressive publication record … Read the rest

bioRxiv: Stable epimutations after regeneration

Predictable and stable epimutations induced during clonal propagation with embryonic transcription factors

Wibowo et al. (2022) bioRxiv 2022.03.15.484412

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Although clonal propagation is frequently used in commercial plant breeding and plant biotechnology programs because it minimizes … Read the rest