Genetics of heterosis

Genetic architecture of nonadditive inheritance in Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids

Seymour D.K., Chae E., Grimm D.G., Martín Pizarro C., Habring-Müller A., Vasseur F., Rakitsch B., Borgwardt K.M., Koenig D., Weigel D.

The ubiquity of nonparental hybrid phenotypes, such as hybrid vigor … Read the rest

Congratulations, Dr. Patricia Lang!

Patricia successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Identification and characterization of new factors in the framework of Arabidopsis thaliana miRNA function’

Congratulations, Patricia!

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Congratulations! Detlef receiving honorary doctorate from …

… Swedish University of Agriculture

SLU, Uppsala, SwedenRead the rest