Congratulations, Dr. Danelle Seymour!

Danelle successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘On the Genetics and Genomics of Arabidopsis thaliana and its Relatives’ and received the exceptional summa cum laude grade.

Congratulations, Danelle!

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Growth inhibition by allelochemicals – don’t need much

Allelochemicals of the phenoxazinone class act at physiologically relevant concentrations.

Venturelli, S., Petersen, S., Langenecker, T., Weigel, D., Lauer, U. and Becker, C.

Plants compete with their neighbors via the release of chemical compounds into the rhizosphere. These phytotoxins originate … Read the rest

Farewell to Jane

We’re saying goodbye to Jane and wish her all the best for her new adventures in agroecology in France!

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