Collaborative paper with Oliver Mathieu’s group

Epigenome confrontation triggers immediate reprogramming of DNA methylation and transposon silencing in A. thaliana F1 epihybrids.

Rigal, M., Becker, C., Pélissier, T., Pogorelcnik, R., Devos, J., Ikeda, Z., Weigel, D., and Mathieu, O.

Genes and transposons can exist in variable … Read the rest

Talia receives HFSP fellowship

Congratulations to Talia for receiving an HFSP post-doctoral fellowship!Read the rest

Pearls review on plant immunity

Cooperation and conflict in the plant immune system.

Chae, E., Tran, D. T. N., and Weigel, D.

Plants have a sophisticated innate immune system with which they defend themselves against a myriad of pathogens. During the past two decades, work … Read the rest