How to validate the identity of genetic stocks – letter in Plant Cell

A proposal regarding best practices for validating the identity of genetic stocks and the effects of genetic variants

Bergelson, J., Buckler, E. S., Ecker, J. R., Nordborg, M., and Weigel, D.

Colleagues from the medical field have estimated that up … Read the rest

Arabidopsis, Alter! – Leaf sampling completed

We harvested thousands of leaf samples from a large subset of the 1001G genotypes grown in challenging conditions in Madrid and Tübingen.

Winds and snow threatened the success of the experiment, but we verified how tough both Arabidopsis and researchers … Read the rest

Join us as a Computational Biologist/ (Bio)Informatician

We are looking for motivated team players (PhD student or Postdoctoral level) to join our efforts in generating multi-reference plant and meta-genomes.

More information and the full ad is here.… Read the rest