Systematic transcriptomic study of heterosis

Pervasive under-dominance in gene expression as unifying principle of biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis

Yuan et al. (2022) bioRxiv 2022.03.03.482808

Heterosis, the generally superior performance in hybrids compared to their inbred parents, is one of the most enigmatic biological phenomena. Many … Read the rest

PATHOCOM sampling underway

Under Aim 1 of our ERC-SyG project PATHOCOM, we are generating foundational data, by characterizing the intra- and interspecific diversity as well as abundance of pathobiota and commensal microbiota across multiple populations of A. thaliana in three regions in Read the rest

Commensal Pseudomonas can protect against pathogens

Commensal Pseudomonas strains facilitate protective response against pathogens in the host plant

Or Shalev et al., Nature Ecology & Evolution (published online February 24, 2022)

The community structure in the plant-associated microbiome depends collectively on host–microbe, microbe–microbe and host–microbe–microbe interactions. … Read the rest