Nature Review Genetics: Comparative genomics of Arabidopsis relatives

Beyond the thale: comparative genomics and genetics of Arabidopsis relatives.

Koenig D, Weigel D.

For decades a small number of model species have rightly occupied a privileged position in laboratory experiments, but it is becoming increasingly clear that our knowledge … Read the rest

Nature Plants: Reduced symmetric DNA methylation in Arabis alpina

Willing E. M., Rawat V., Mandáková T., Maumus F., James G. V., Nordström K., Becker C., Warthmann N., Chica C., Szarzynska B., Zytnicki M.,Albani M., Kiefer C., Read the rest

Plant Journal: Rapid divergence of miRNAs and miRNA targets

Rapid divergence and high diversity of miRNAs and miRNA targets in the Camelineae.

Smith LM, Burbano HA, Wang X, Fitz J, Wang G, Ural-Blimke Y, Weigel D.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNAs involved in gene regulation through translational inhibition and … Read the rest