PLoS Genetics: Century-scale Methylomes in Arabidopsis

Century-scale Methylome Stability in a Recently Diverged Arabidopsis thaliana Lineage

Hagmann J, Becker C, Müller J, Stegle O, Meyer RC, Wang G, Schneeberger K, Fitz J, Altmann T, Bergelson J, Borgwardt K, Weigel D.

There has been much excitement about … Read the rest

G3: Inexpensive GBS, new algorithm for genetic mapping

Rapid and Inexpensive Whole-Genome Genotyping-by-Sequencing for Crossover Localization and Fine-Scale Genetic Mapping

Beth A. Rowan, Vipul Patel, Detlef Weigel, and Korbinian Schneeberger

The reshuffling of existing genetic variation during meiosis is important both during evolution and in breeding. The re-assortment … Read the rest

G3: Plant genetic archaeology: Pedigree of a trisomic line

Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals the Pedigree of a Classical Trisomic Line

Patrice A. Salomé and Detlef Weigel

The circadian oscillator is astonishingly robust, to changes in the environment, but also to genomic changes that alter the copy number of its components … Read the rest