PLoS Genet: Evolution of DNA Methylation Patterns

Evolution of DNA Methylation Patterns in the Brassicaceae is Driven by Differences in Genome Organization

Danelle K. Seymour, Daniel Koenig, Jörg Hagmann, Claude Becker, Detlef Weigel

PLoS Genetics Published: November 13, 2014; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004785

DNA methylation is an ancient molecular … Read the rest

Genome Res: Hi-res Hi-C analysis in Arabidopsis

Genome Res. 2014 Nov 3. pii: gr.170332.113.

Genome-wide analysis of local chromatin packing in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Wang C, Liu C, Roqueiro D, Grimm D, Schwab R, Becker C, Lanz C, Weigel D.

Genome Res. 2014 Nov 3. pii: gr.170332.113.

The … Read the rest

CHM: Convergence of pathogens on common host proteins

Weßling R et al.: Convergent targeting of a common host protein-network by pathogen effectors from three kingdoms of life.

We were able to contribute analyses based on 1001 Genomes data to his exciting project describing how a common set of Read the rest