Manavella lab: Max Planck Partner Group in Argentina

Pablo Manavella had a very successful postdoc career in WeigelWorld, making important contributions to our knowledge of miRNA processing and action.

He now won a grant that will support his new lab in Santa Fe, Argentina, as a Max Planck Read the rest

Lisa Smith starting as Lecturer @ Univ. Sheffield

Lisa Smith left at the end of October to start as a Lecturer/Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield

After a very productive time in WeigelWorld, Lisa Smith left at the end of October to start as a Lecturer/Research Fellow … Read the rest

Nature: FLM splice form antagonism in flowering

How two splice forms of the FLM transcription factor antagonize each other to control temperature dependent flowering

Markus Schmid’s group, with help from Detlef Weigel’s PhD student Felix Ott (who was responsible for the bioinformatic analyses), in collaboration with Richard … Read the rest