Again ERC grants for current and former WeigelWorld members

Rafal Gutaker, former postdoc with Hernán Burbano and now a group leader at Kew Botanical Gardens, and Derek Lundberg, current postdoc and soon Group Leader at SLU Uppsala, won ERC Starting Grants. Rafal’s project GREENrice aims to unlock … Read the rest

MethylScore for calling differentially methylated regions

MethylScore, a pipeline for accurate and context-aware identification of differentially methylated regions from population-scale plant WGBS data

Patrick Hüther et al. bioRxiv 475031 doi 10.1101/2022.01.06.475031 (posted January 6, 2022)

Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is the standard method for profiling DNA … Read the rest

Last paper of 2021 in ISME J: Protective Pseudomonas

Commensal Pseudomonas protect Arabidopsis thaliana from a coexisting pathogen via multiple lineage-dependent mechanisms

Or Shalev et al., ISME J, published December 11, 2021

Plants are protected from pathogens not only by their own immunity but often also by colonizing commensal … Read the rest