WeigelWorld most highly cited plant lab in Europe

According to the Labtimes, WeigelWorld leads Europe in citation rankings for papers published 2005-2011.

An important contributor was our gene expression atlas paper published in 2005.Click  here for more details Read the rest

In PLoS Genet: Autoimmunity caused by ACD6 alleles

Activation of the Arabidopsis thaliana Immune System by Combinations of Common ACD6 Alleles

Marco Todesco, Sang-Tae Kim, Eunyoung Chae, Kirsten Bomblies, Maricris Zaidem, Lisa M. Smith, Detlef Weigel, Roosa A. E. Laitinen

PLoS Genet 10, e1004459

A fundamental question in … Read the rest

User guide for mutation identification by sequencing

Just published in Genome Biology, collaboration with former grad student Korbinian Schneeberger:

User guide for mapping-by-sequencing in Arabidopsis

Geo Velikkakam James, Vipul Patel, Karl JV Nordstrom, Jonas R Klasen, Patrice A Salome, Detlef Weigel and Korbinian Schneeberger

Genome Biology 2013,
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