In Genome Biology: Review on plant epialleles

Plant epialleles

Detlef Weigel and Vincent Colot review the role of epialleles in plant biology and evolution

Genome Biology 2012, 13:249… Read the rest

Detlef Weigel plenary lecture at IPMB 2012 in Jeju

“Origin and consequences of genetic and epigenetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana”

Detlef Weigel is giving a plenary lecture at the International Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB) Congress 2012 in Jeju, Korea, today.… Read the rest

Congratulations to Dr. Norman Warthmann!

Norman Warthmann defended his PhD thesis today: “Finding the Causal Genes: Developing Tools for Natural Variation Research”

He passed with a magna cum laude. Congratulations, Norman!… Read the rest