Most detailed analysis of recombination landscape in Arabidopsis published

Salomé et al

Now in Heredity by Salomé et al.: The recombination landscape in Arabidopsis thaliana F2 populations Recombination partitions alleles segregating in the progeny of hybrids, and thus has important consequences for the distribution of phenotypic variation … Read the rest

In Nature: Origin of epigenetic variation in A. thaliana

Last year, we published a paper on DNA mutation rates in A. thaliana, based on the analysis of the genomes of 5 mutation accumulation lines that shared a common ancestor 30 generations ago. We have now determined the methylome of … Read the rest

First major 1001 Genomes paper out in Nature Genetics

We just published its first major phase, based on 80 accessions representing much of the native range of the species.

Finally — after several previous papers in which we developed the tools and vision for the A. thaliana 1001 Genomes … Read the rest