Whole-genome assemblies of four A. thaliana accessions in PNAS

We have developed a new approach to whole-genome assembly that exploits the high-quality reference genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.

In PNAS, we just published genome assemblies for four strains, including the popular Ler (Landsberg erecta) and C24 strains.… Read the rest

State Research Prize to Detlef Weigel and Rupert Handgretinger

Detlef Weigel and his colleague Rupert Handgretinger from the university hospital Tübingen

They share this year’s State Research Prize of Baden Württemberg, the highest such award given out by any of the 16 German states. The award ceremony was held … Read the rest

MiRNA regulates development, anthocyanin biosynthesis…

MiR156-controlled SPL transcription factors not only regulate leaf size, speed of leaf initiation, phase change, flowering and trichome formation, but also anthocyanin biosynthesis.

Just out in Plant Cell: MiR156-controlled SPL transcription factors not only regulate leaf size, speed of … Read the rest