Marco Todesco receives dissertation prize

Dissertation prize of the Reinhold-und-Maria-Teufel-Stiftung

Marco Todesco received the dissertation prize of the Reinhold-und-Maria-Teufel-Stiftung today.… Read the rest

The next decade of genetics and genomics

Perspective by Detlef Weigel and nine other leading geneticists published in Nature Reviews Genetics

Ten years of genetics and genomics: what have we achieved and where are we heading?Read the rest

Inaugural paper published in PNAS

Global effects of the small RNA biogenesis machinery on the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome.

Laubinger, S., Zeller, S., Henz, S. R., Buechel, S., Sachsenberg, T., Wang, J.-W., Rätsch, G., and Weigel, D.

Global effects of the small RNA biogenesis machinery on Read the rest