Genome-wide association study published in Nature

Based on the Arabidopsis thaliana haplotype map that we published in 2007, 1200 accessions are currently genotyped with a 250,000 SNP chip by the Bergelson, Borevitz and Nordborg labs.

The data can be found here. The results from performing … Read the rest

80 A. thaliana genome sequences released

The Weigel lab has released the first 80 A. thaliana genome sequences from the 1001 Genomes project.

See the project homepage for details.… Read the rest

Incoming postdoc Dan Koenig wins prestigious HFSP Fellowship

Dan Koenig has won one of the highly competitive Long-Term Fellowships from the Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO). Dan is finishing his PhD work with Neelima Sinha at UC Davis and join Team Natural Variation in the Weigel lab … Read the rest

Presentation of Otto Bayer Award in Berlin

Today, the Otto Bayer Award was presented at an impressive event at the E-werk in Berlin.

Present were, among others, the chairman of the board of Bayer, Dr. Manfred Schneider, the CEO of Bayer, Werner Wenning, Dr. Wolfgang Plischke, member … Read the rest

Collaboration with Freiburg results in cover of Cell

A very interesting story on Physcomitrella miRNAs guiding DNA methylation at target genes has just been published in Cell, with a cover image.

Stephan Ossowski designed artificial miRNAs, which turned out to provide a small, but useful piece of the … Read the rest

Science paper on spontaneous mutations published

A collaborative paper with the Lynch lab on the rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana has been published on January 1, 2010, in Science.

The paper provides important information for understanding the longer-term effects of mutation and … Read the rest