G3: Plant genetic archaeology: Pedigree of a trisomic line

Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals the Pedigree of a Classical Trisomic Line

Patrice A. Salomé and Detlef Weigel

The circadian oscillator is astonishingly robust, to changes in the environment, but also to genomic changes that alter the copy number of its components … Read the rest

PLoS Genet: Hybrid incom- patibility & R gene evolution

Analysis of a Plant Complex Resistance Gene Locus Underlying Immune-Related Hybrid Incompatibility and Its Occurrence in Nature

From collaboration with Alcázar, Koornneef and Parker labs:

Rubén Alcázar,  Marcel von Reth, Jaqueline Bautor, Eunyoung Chae, Detlef Weigel, Maarten Koornneef, Jane E. … Read the rest