Offer to temporary bench or desk space

We are offering scientists temporary bench or desk space…

We are offering scientists temporary bench or desk space, library access and will help with finding accommodation for US-based scientists who are stranded abroad due to the White House Executive Order … Read the rest

Former postdoc Ove Nilsson elected to Royal Swedish Academy

Ove Nilsson – director of the UPSC and professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesRead the rest

Rules of epiallele switching

DNA sequence properties that predict susceptibility to epiallelic switching

Catoni, M., Griffiths, J., Becker, C., Zabet N. R., Bayon, C., Dapp, M., Liebermann-Lazarovich, M., Weigel, D., Paszkowski, J.

Transgenerationally heritable epialleles are defined by the stable propagation of alternative transcriptional … Read the rest