DSSS – Melanie Kirch & Minakshi Singh

January 14, 3 pm
M. Kirch: “The availability  of standing genetic variation for rapid adaptation in sticklebacks”
M. Singh: “The two genomes  of Blepharisma stoltei: towards the origins of whole genome reorganization”Read the rest

DSSS – Dieter Braun

February 4, 3 pm

Title: “Recreating first Steps of Life using non-equilibrium an 2′,3′-Nucleotides”Read the rest

DSSS – Justin Michael Crocker

February 11, 3 pm

Title: “Multidimensional Approach to Decoding the Mysteries of Animal Development”Read the rest

DSSS – Brit Koskella

February 18, 3 pm

Title: “Harnessing the plant phyllosphere as a model microbiome and towards sustainable agriculture”Read the rest

DSSS – Keeseon Eom & Dongmin Lee

February 25, 3 pm

Title:  “KE: “Discovery of Taenia asiatica and parasite bioresourcing”   /  DL: “Introduction of International Parasite Resource Bank & Caenorhabditis elegans and Nematodes Bank!
Read the rest