On bioRxiv: Segregation distortion in Arabidopsis thaliana

The genetic architecture of recurrent segregation distortion in Arabidopsis thaliana

Danelle K. Seymour, Eunyoung Chae, Burak I. Ariöz, Daniel Koenig, Detlef Weigel


The equal probability of transmission of alleles from either parent during sexual reproduction is a central tenet … Read the rest

On bioRxiv: Arabidopsis genome assembled with one Nanopore flowcell

High contiguity Arabidopsis thaliana genome assembly with a single nanopore flow cell

Arabidopsis thaliana genome assembly with a single Oxford Nanopore flow cell

Todd P. Michael, Florian Jupe, Felix Bemm, Stanley T. Motley, Justin P. Sandoval, Olivier Loudet, Detlef Weigel, … Read the rest

Detlef’s latest talk

Curious about his keynote at the VIB Conference “At the Forefront of Plant Research”?

Check out his presentation on figshare!… Read the rest