Temperature dependent flowering in Science

The Schmid group collaborated with Ji Hoon Ahn, former WeigelWorld postdoc and now professor at Korea University, on this beautiful study on temperature dependent flowering.

Published today in Science.… Read the rest

Congratulations, Dr. William Ho!

William received a magna cum laude for his dissertation and public defence of “Structural and Functional Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Arabidopsis thaliana”… Read the rest

In PLoS: A miRNA network regulating flower maturation

Rubio-Somoza I, Weigel D (2013)

Coordination of Flower Maturation by a Regulatory Circuit of Three MicroRNAs.

PLoS Genet 9(3): e1003374. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003374

The development of multicellular organisms relies on interconnected genetic programs that control progression through their life cycle. MicroRNRubio-Somoza I, … Read the rest