Detlef Weigel receives Otto Bayer Award 2010

Detlef Weigel will receive the Otto Bayer Award 2010 of the Bayer Science and Education Foundation.

The award, one of the most important scientific prizes  in the German speaking countries, will be presented by the CEO of Bayer, Werner Wenning, … Read the rest

Nino Shervashidze wins NIPS 2009 Award

Nino Shervashidze, PhD student in Karsten Borgwardt’s group, has won the Outstanding Student Paper Award.

Her work was selected from 1105 articles submitted at NIPS, the premier conference in Machine Learning. In her paper, Nino presents a novel algorithm for … Read the rest

Weigel leads citation ranking in plant and developmental biology

The trade magazine Laborjournal regularly publishes rankings comparing the citation records of scientists from the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland).

Across publications that appeared from 2003 to 2006, Detlef Weigel ranked first, by a considerable margin, among both plant … Read the rest

GenomeMapper short read tool published in Genome Biology

Current short read analysis strategies use only a single reference, ignoring previously identified variants.

We have developed a graph mapping approach, that allows simultaneous mapping against all known variants, and thereby greatly increases the number of polymorphisms discovered.Simultaneous alignment of … Read the rest

Identify an EMS lesion in one week–SHOREmap paper published!

Traditional strategies for identification of causal mutations involve two discrete steps: recombinant genotyping and candidate gene sequencing.

To dramatically speed up identification of causative point mutations and small deletions, we provide the software package SHOREmap (, an extension of the … Read the rest

miR156/SPL paper published in Cell

Jia-wei’s paper, reporting the discovery of a new pathway that allows Arabidopsis thaliana to flower in the absence of inductive long days, has just been published in Cell

Back to back with a paper from the Poethig lab, on which … Read the rest

Sabbatical visitor Rod Wing wins prestigious Humboldt Award

Rod is spending a year-long sabbatical in the Department, with the aim of developing new strategies for comparative genomics in both rice and Brassicaceae.

Professor Rod Wing, Director of the Arizona Genomics Institute at the University of Arizona, has won … Read the rest

PNAS paper on rice varation published

We were part of a large international collaboration that used Perlegen ultra-high density microarrays to interrogate 20 diverse landraces and modern varieties of rice.

This work resulted in the first rice HapMap and laid the foundation for large-scale genetic characterization … Read the rest


Two new collaborative projects have recently been funded,

The EU project AENEAS–Acquired environmental epigenetics advances: from Arabidopsis to maize, and the BMBF-GABI project TRANSNET–Transcriptional networks and their evolution in the Brassicaceae.

AENEAS is led by Serena Varotto (Padova), and includes … Read the rest

Detlef Weigel elected to National Academy of Sciences

Detlef Weigel, a naturalized US citizen, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences at their 146th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

The National Academy of Sciences is the US’ most prestigious scientific organization, and election to membership in the … Read the rest